Create and Link Series Meetings

Create and link series meetings allow users to set a series of recurring meetings (either daily, weekly, or monthly) where all these meetings will be linked together and accessed from any of the meeting member's meeting rooms via the Linked Meetings tile.


How to create series meetings?

When you create a new meeting, add meeting details and choose the 'series' instead of the 'single' option from the drop-down menu. Choose when you would like to repeat this meeting either: daily, weekly, or monthly. 

  • Daily: would repeat everyday and you can choose till when you'd like to repeat this meeting.
  • Weekly: choose when you'd like to repeat this meeting, on which days and should be repeated until when.
  • Monthly: choose when you'd like to repeat the meeting and either it should be repeated on the same day each month or the same day of the week and should be repeated until when. Click next to confirm.


Where to access previous linked meetings?

By default, previous meetings in the series are added to the 'Linked Meetings' tile in the meeting room of any meeting in the series. Through that tile you can search any of the previous meetings within the series, or add any other related meeting that you wish.